問題1-A 解答

①ア ②イ ③ア ④ア ⑤エ ⑥ウ ⑦ア・ア ⑧ア ⑨イ ⑩ア ⑪ア ⑫ウ ⑬イ ⑭ウ ⑮ウ ⑯エ ⑰ア ⑱ア ⑲イ ⑳ウ ㉑イ ㉒ウ ㉓ア ㉔ア ㉕イ ㉖ア ㉗イ ㉘ウ ㉙イ ㉚ウ

問題1-B 解答

①イ ②ア ③イ ④ア ⑤イ ⑥ウ ⑦イ ⑧ア ⑨ウ ⑩ア ⑪ア ⑫イ ⑬ア ⑭エ ⑮エ ⑯イ ⑰ア・イ ⑱イ ⑲ア ⑳ウ ㉑イ ㉒イ ㉓ウ ㉔ウ ㉕ウ ㉖ア ㉗ア ㉘イ ㉙ア ㉚ア


問題2 解答

①Where does②don’t go to③How long

④Don’t be late⑤Does /go to bed

⑥Do you do⑦don’t⑧are pretty

⑨We don’t help⑩by⑪takes

⑫How many brothers⑬Where are

⑭often listens to⑮How many⑯When

⑰Do they /they do⑱Whose

⑲are sitting on⑳Do you take㉑Where is

㉒When㉓Do/ I do㉔is on㉕Who uses

㉖doesn’t want㉗often visits㉘goes to bed

㉙helps/ with㉚don’t help㉛How do

㉜is near㉝When does㉞gets up

㉟takes/ pictures㊱Who㊲doesn’t wash

㊳Does /work/ he doesn’t㊴are in

㊵always works㊶too㊷Where

㊸is looking for㊹What㊺is not

㊻waiting for㊼What㊽What do



問題3 解答

①My father is not a baseball player.
②Why does Yumi get up at seven?
③You don’t talk with Bob.
④Why is this book famous all over the world?
⑤Sasuke doesn’t take a picture there.
⑥Sasuke is from Aichi.
⑦How long does it take from here to the park?
⑧Why do they like the dogs?
⑨Ken is not a student.
⑩I learn about Japanese history at school.
⑪Are you Ken?
⑫Why are you reading a book now?
⑬Where do you study English?
⑭Are those children your students?
⑮Are you good at Japanese?
⑯I live in Ama City.
⑰Do you often talk about Bob?
⑱I am not hungry.
⑲You listen to music.
⑳This story is not famous in Japan.
㉑Is Ama festival famous in Japan?
㉒They come to school by bus.
㉓Her pencil is under the table.
㉔My father often washes his car.
㉕Saki always gets up early.
㉖Sasuke runs very fast.
㉗Yumi is doing her homework now.
㉘Is Yumi a doctor?
㉙They don’t usually visit the library.
㉚This is not my camera.
㉛Who teaches you English?
㉜Is this your book?
㉝Ken doesn’t always get up at six.
㉞Bob reads a book in the library.
㉟Where are they playing baseball now?
㊱I like Japanese food.
㊲Yumi doesn’t like baseball.
㊳Saki’s question is very difficult.
㊴When do you go to bed?
㊵My friends are kind.

問題4 解答

①What does Yumi do after lunch?
②Where’s Mr. Bob now?
③How’s the weather in Aichi now?
④When does Ken play soccer?
⑤Who uses this pen?
⑥How many oranges does Yumi have?
⑦What does Ken have for breakfast?
⑧How does Yumi come to school?
⑨What are you doing now?
⑩Whose umbrella is this?
⑪What day is it today?
⑫Where does Ken study English?
⑬How many brothers does Saki have?
⑭What time is it now?
⑮How does Ken come to the park?

問題5 解答

①I am not good at math.
②Do you clean your room every day?
③Do you like Japan?
④Does Bob often watch TV?
⑤They are our friends.
⑥Why are you making a cake?
⑦Ken has many questions.
⑧She plays tennis.
⑨You don’t play baseball.
⑩Is he your English teacher?
⑪Ken isn’t fourteen years old.
⑫Does Yumi clean her room?
⑬You want a long pencil.
⑭They are not mine.
⑮Ken isn’t from Aichi.
⑯He doesn’t answer Yumi’s question.
⑰I’m not busy now.
⑱Mike doesn’t drink Japanese tea?
⑲I play tennis in the afternoon.
⑳Bob watches TV every day.
㉑I don’t clean my room.
㉒Does Ken do his homework every day?
㉓We are very happy now.
㉔He doesn’t do his homework.
㉕You don’t play the piano.
㉖Where is my book?
㉗Does Sasuke swim well?
㉘What do you do after dinner?
㉙Why do you eat sushi ?
㉚Bon doesn’t walk to school.
㉛You are always busy.
㉜Ken and I don’t come to school by car.
㉝That is my bike.
㉞Whose pen is this?
㉟How many countries do you know?